Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Another amazing concert

It's Tuesday morning and the concert is over for another year. It was great to speak with so many people after the performances this weekend and find out how much they had enjoyed it all. For me it was great to hear Duncan's perspective. Duncan is one of our usual performers, singing tenor, but this year he was unable to be in the concert so came along to watch instead. His insight to the impact that all the work we put into our choreography really does make a difference to the audience was great. Indeed he suggests that we should all take a year out and watch the dances to understand why we need to try harder to be in the right place at the right time and with the right facial expression! It is incredibly difficult to do that sometimes though!
Now the countdown begins for our show next Spring with us taking the daring, potentially risky, step of performing Legally Blonde (first time in Derbyshire as an amateur company I think) and running it twice, first here in Belper and then at the Derby Guildhall as well. I know that we have an amazing production team, and we are looking forward to welcoming new members from across the region to join in, have fun and help us to put on an amazing show.
Just let us know on Facebook, or on here, if you want to audition and join our company!