BMT Rule book (2018)

Belper Musical Theatre Rules (2018)
Affiliated to NODA

1.      The Society is called Belper Musical Theatre

2.      Belper Musical Theatre has been set up to educate the public in the dramatic and operatic arts. We will do this by developing public appreciation and taste in these arts. From time to time the Committee may also decide on other related charitable roles. The Committee of Belper Musical Theatre can do the following:
a.      Promote plays, drama, comedies, opera, operettas and other dramatic and operatic works of educative value.
b.      Purchase, acquire and obtain interests in the copyright of or the right to perform or show any such dramatic or operatic works.
c.       Purchase or otherwise acquire plant, machinery, furniture, fixings, fittings, scenery and all other necessary effects.
d.      Raise funds and invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of Subscriptions, donations and otherwise. However we cannot set up a permanent trading activity to raise funds.
e.      Anything else to help us to achieve our purpose.

3.      The Society consists of Acting and Non-Acting Members and may also include Life Members. Life Members are those who have rendered special services to the Society.

4.      The Society is managed by a Committee consisting of the following Honorary Officers: President, Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. It has another eleven Members of the Society as Members.

Who can be a member of Belper Musical Theatre?

5.      You can join Belper Musical Theatre if you meet the following criteria:
a.      pay the annual membership fee
b.      undertake a successful audition of singing, acting and dancing ability

Are there any age limits to joining Belper Musical Theatre?

6.      Yes. You must be over 16 years old and have completed year 11 of secondary education in order to perform with the company.

NB. If you have performed with Belper Junior Musical Theatre, then after you audition you can join BMT for rehearsals in preparation for the first concert that you are able to perform in. This may be whilst you are still in year 11.

Application for Membership
7.      You need to let us know if you want to become a Member of the Society. You can do this by phone, email, letter or by talking to a Member of the Committee. If you want to be an acting Member, then you will need to audition. If you want to be a non-acting Member then you don’t need to audition.

Capabilities of candidates for Membership
8.      Before you can join as an acting Member, you need to satisfy the audition panel that you can sing, dance or act to the required standards to meet our primary objects.

9.      The audition panel will approve applicants for Membership and will inform the Committee.

Expulsion of Members
10.  The Committee can suspend your Membership, or expel you from the Society. We will only do this if:
f.        It is our opinion, confirmed by an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society, that you guilty by action of misusing the privileges of the Society or bringing the Society into contempt or disrepute.
g.      There is a unanimous vote from the Committee that you have persistently neglected the work undertaken by the Society.
h.      There is a unanimous vote from the Committee that your conduct is likely to endanger the welfare of the Society, or
i.        You do not pay your Membership within 28 days of it becoming due.

11.  We will tell you the Annual subscription and other Fees when we call the Annual General Meeting. We can call a specific General Meeting to determine subscription and other Fees.

12.  We will share the fee schedule each year so that you know what you have to pay to be a Member of the Society, or to participate in our works.

Payment of entrance Fees and Subscriptions
13.  Your Annual subscription fee is due before the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in May each year. You must pay the fee to be able to enter the AGM.

Life Members
14.  The Committee will nominate and recommend Members to become Life Members. These will be individuals who have rendered special services to the Society. Members of the Society will decide at the AGM whether to elect them as Life Members.

15.  The Society has clear financial responsibilities to maintain its function
a.      The funds of the Society will only be used to meet the objects of the Society
b.      We won’t pay any Members of the Committee, directly or indirectly, for services to the Society
c.       Members of the Society can claim for expenses legitimately incurred in its work
d.      We will tell you the Fees we have paid to those involved in direction, production and choreography of accounts in our Annual financial year summary.

Financial Year
16.  The Financial Year of the Society commences at the AGM and we will prepare an Annual profit and loss account and balance sheet to share at the AGM.

Adjustment of Subscriptions
17.  The Committee can decide to refund part of the Annual subscription fee if you leave the neighbourhood and resign your Membership. The Committee can also decide to re-admit to the Society, without audition, any prior Members. You have to pay the full Annual subscription fee to be readmitted.

18.  If you want to resign, then you need to write to the Secretary stating this.

Non-payment of Subscriptions
19.  The Committee can suspend you if you have not paid your subscription after the 30 June in any year. You are not able to rehearse or perform for the Society until your subscription has been paid.

Annual General Meeting
20.  The Society will hold its Annual General Meeting in the month of May when:
a.      The report of the Committee and the accounts for the past year, duly audited, will be presented,
b.      The officers, other Members of the Committee and an auditor, for the ensuing year, and Life Members, if any, will be elected, and
c.       All general business will be transacted.

Extraordinary General Meeting
21.  The Committee can call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time.
a.      A group of 12 Members can request an EGM by writing to the secretary, explaining why this is wanted. This will be held within 21 days of receiving this request.
b.      The only business at an EGM will be the issue stated as the reason for requesting the EGM.

Quorum at General Meetings
22.  At least 30 percent of Members need to be present at a General Meeting for business to be discussed. If there are not enough Members present, then the Meeting will be formally adjourned. Nothing else will be discussed.

Resolution at General Meetings
23.  Resolutions will be decided by a majority of votes. If there is no majority then the Chairman of the Committee has the casting vote.

Retirement of Officers and Committee
24.  The Committee (including Officers) and the Auditor will retire Annually but are eligible for re-election. Any Member who wants to join the Committee, or to be an officer, needs to tell the secretary in advance of the AGM. If more names are proposed than the number required to fill the vacancies, and sufficient names are not withdrawn at or before the Meeting, we will appoint a teller and the election shall be by ballot.
25.  If all the positions are not filled at the AGM, or a vacancy occurs at a later date, the positions will be filled by the remaining Members of the Committee of the Society elected by ballot at an EGM convened for this purpose.

Notice of General Meeting
26.  At least seven days before the Annual, or other, General Meeting the Committee will send a written notice to each Member. The notice of the AGM will be accompanied by the Statement of Accounts for the past year and particulars of nominations for the Committee (including the Officers) and Auditors and of any proposal to elect a Life Member. This may be sent by email, handed out at rehearsals, or be delivered as a letter.

Appointment of Sub-Committee
27.  The Committee can appoint Sub-Committees, to delegate to such sub-Committees all or any of its powers and shall continue to hold office until the conclusion of the AGM at which its successors are elected.

Selection of Cast
28.  The selection Committee will decide the cast for any production. At least five people will be on the subCommittee with at least one of them being a Member of the Committee.

Revision of Cast
29.  The Committee can revise the cast from time to time, if any acting Member to whom a character has been assigned proves unsuitable for the part.

Obligations of Acting Members
30.  If you are assigned a part then you will play the part to the best of your ability whether principal or chorus. You will obey the directions given at all rehearsals and performances.

Control of Rehearsal
31.  The production team is responsible for the control of all rehearsals

Attendance at Rehearsals and Performances
32.  The Committee can ban you from taking part in the performance of the work in preparation if your attendance at rehearsals is irregular. If you absent yourself from three consecutive rehearsals then the Committee can decide that you have resigned your part in the work then in rehearsal.

Acting Members in excess of requirements
33.  If at any time the number of Members rehearsing a production exceeds the number of persons required for the representation of the same, preference shall be given to the Members who, by the regularity of their attendance sheet, have rendered themselves most suitable.

Selection of Works
34.  The Committee will select the works to be produced by the Society.

Production Money
35.  You must pay any money you own in connection with the production and performance of any work, within 21 days of being offered the part.

Production Account
36.  The Committee will make available a full statement of the receipts and expenses of each production to Members within TWO calendar months after the final performance of any work produced by the Society. If final figures are not known, then this will be indicated on that statement.

Privileges of non-acting Members
37.  The privileges of Members other than acting Members except the right to attend and vote at General Meetings of the Society shall be determined from time to time by the Committee.

Recovery of money due to the Society
38.  All moneys that you owe to the Society, including the Fees and Subscriptions, can be recovered by taking you to court if we need to.

Meetings of the Committee
39.  The secretary will arrange the Committee Meetings
a.      At least seven Members have to be there to make it quorate
b.      The Committee will appoint a Vice Chairman at the first Committee Meeting
c.       The secretary will record who attends Committee Meetings. If a Committee Member misses three consecutive Meetings, then the rest of the Committee can decide that Member can’t apply to join the Committee in the following year.

Committee’s Powers
40.  If Members have any questions about these rules then, unless it has to be dealt with at a General Meeting, the Committee can discuss and agree the answer. The Committee can also make, and maintain and publish all necessary orders, regulations and byelaws relating to Society Membership. The Chairman of any Committee Meeting only has a casting vote.

Dissolution of the Society
41.  The Society can only be dissolved if at least five sixths of the Members present and voting at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose of considering such dissolution vote to dissolve it. If the Society is dissolved, then any cash funds remaining after the realisation of assets and payments of debts shall not be distributed among the Members of the Society but shall be applied for such charitable purposes similar to those of the Society or be paid, distributed or transferred to such charitable institution having objects similar to the objects of the Society as the Committee, with consent of the Meeting, shall determine.

Alteration to the Rules
42.  These rules can only be changed at a General Meeting. To do this you must have 21 days before the Meeting to see the changes that are being proposed. You can suggest an alternative change. If you do, then the Secretary will give 14 days notice of the change. Two thirds of the Members present at the Meeting need to agree for the change to take place.
a.      Rules 2, 41 and 42 can only be changed if the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales or other authority having charitable jurisdiction from time to time approve the amendment.

We have tried to write this version of the rules using Plain English so that they are easier to understand. This does not change the intention of any of the original rules.

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