Thursday, 8 December 2011

The art of dancing

You may have read my previous thoughts on how difficult it is to get your feet, arms, legs, body, head etc to move the way that you want them to and project that effortless grace associated with the word dance. As our company started learning the fantastic 'Havana' number last night, it appeared that I may not be the only person who finds it a challenge.
As Rico, I don't appear in this particular dance number, which means that I had the joy of sitting there watching the others for a couple of hours as they tried to remember when to wiggle their hips from one side to the other and how far to tap their legs around for different counts and rhythms. Overall I will admit that the whole thing was hilarious to watch - as indeed it seemed to be for many of those taking part.
I am delighted that this show allows all of the Belper Musical Theatre company to take to the stage in some big dance numbers, showing off the many talents of all of us. We are ably supported by some amazingly professional dancers as well - I think that they will have the biggest feathers in the live show!
But for me, the abiding memory last night will be the wonderful facial expressions of our lovely ladies as they threw their hips to the wind and with wild abandon pulled seductive expressions and shimmied, shoulder shook and side stepped their way around the song. Well done to everyone - and I promise not to post the video I took in public!
However, if anyone wants to see what a couple of our male members were up to as they showed the ladies an alternative approach, you can have a look here:


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